The Beast You Left Me | Teen Ink

The Beast You Left Me

March 18, 2014
By ForeverAvailable SILVER, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania
ForeverAvailable SILVER, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Keep your hopes up high and your head down low" ADTR

The walls cave in
The truth comes out
So many things
not meant to be talked about
So I take a deep breath
and hold it inside
Cause I will not break
No, not things time
How can I fix what I've broken
Why can't time just rewind
I'd live my life you in it
but I can't turn back time
So I broke then I fell
in the well of my own heart
I'll kill the beast you left in me No more misery
You can't reach me anymore

The author's comments:
Never let your past or people
in your past control your present or youre future

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