She's Red | Teen Ink

She's Red

March 13, 2014
By Dariann SILVER, Marion, Indiana
Dariann SILVER, Marion, Indiana
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If you want to truly understand something, try to change it.&quot;<br /> -Kurt Lewin

Red velvet laced with a fiery burn
Throughout her soul it shines
Something she’s never felt before
But has known for all her life
With wax the color of blood
And flames in the shape of a tear
It describes what she’s been thinking of
For sixteen consecutive years
How easy it is for a candle,
To give and take the fire’s light
It all starts with a spark
And ends with a simple sigh
A little flame so small
Yet big enough to ruin lives
Who will be the victim?
It won’t be her this time

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