Nothing is That Simple | Teen Ink

Nothing is That Simple

March 11, 2014
By palinsdrome BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
palinsdrome BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hot breath on my neck
Lips on the skin that was rising and falling like waves of an ocean under the full moon
Strands of hair wavering on a collarbone that sent nerve endings to toes and fingertips
Legs entwined in a tangle of limbs and laughter
Breaths that last as long as a lifetime until they simply
Anger and fear of dilution and dishonesty force creases above worried eyes
Bleeding and burning away all of lies until all that is left is silence
And the allusion of the four letter word that used to have meaning yet you never say anymore fades into a
Shaking fingers tracing the scars that line a body like it was torn into pieces and then sewn back together.
Like a black thread on a needle dug itself through a chest that was too weak to notice, and then had the audacity to tie a knot in a heart that hadn't yet been broken.
And when it did it bled over the ropes that had grown tighter, making blacker the color that surrounded but a bleeding soul.
Hanging from a noose, falling from a bullet, splitting from a fall--
Simply could not compare to the agony of feeling any

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