I'm Alive, I'm Breathing | Teen Ink

I'm Alive, I'm Breathing

March 11, 2014
By palinsdrome BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
palinsdrome BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are times when someone asks,
Are you okay?
The idiocy of that question.
Because maybe I am "okay"
And maybe I'm not;
But it's the idea that by answering,
Something will change.
By saying a simple yes or no,
Your completelyunokayness becomes
I'm as euphoric as a baby goat in spring,
As trees that finally take root,
As a child that found their mother,
As you.
And maybe I am, but maybe I'm not.
Despite that, most will say yes
Just to make you okay.
Because that's how things work.
Because being not okay comes with an effect.
And it spreads, your completelyunokayness.
People feel it is their born given duty to make you okay.
Or else they feel they won't be okay.
The idiocy of that idea,
No matter how good hearted it is.
Because if I was okay,
You wouldn't have had to ask.
So when you ask if I'm okay,
I'll say in return,
I'm alive, I'm breathing.
But I won't say I'm okay.

The author's comments:
Just a thought that turned into a doodle that turned into a poem.

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