Special Day | Teen Ink

Special Day

February 15, 2014
By VisibleNinja BRONZE, Pacifica, California
VisibleNinja BRONZE, Pacifica, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If this was an indie movie
There would be a soundtrack.
Something lyrical, but it still has a strong beat.
And being together is like being a root beer float
Overfilling with joy- I mean bubbles.
And we would find quirky things,
Like a mailbox shaped like an orca
(I don’t like the name killer whale),
Or a statue of a man with a top hat
(and we’d give him an elegant name),
Or a store that only sells dictionaries
(which I need because I can’t spell at all).
Oh, and we walk, walk so far, all around town.
But it wouldn’t be the mailbox that made it a
special day
No, it’d be our connection,
Our silly, yet thoughtful conversation.
It wouldn’t even matter if there was sun or rain
Because the music was playing and it was the best day
Of our young lives, at least for now.
Doing nothing, just being ourselves.

Don’t you wish it was a movie?

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