Flower Petals | Teen Ink

Flower Petals

February 16, 2014
By Carmen P BRONZE, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Carmen P BRONZE, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He loves me
I sit in a meadow surrounded by flowers
Remembering back to when we would sit here
Our fingers intertwined

He loves me not
I remember the scent of vanilla and cinnamon radiating from the picnic blanket

He loves me
I see us running in circles
The wind dancing in our faces
And our laughter amidst the bird's chirps
Making the world seem right again

He loves me not
I think back to the times we slept under the stars
Making pictures in the sky
And pretending we were children again

He loves me
I remember making picnics
And hiking to this meadow
To escape the troubles of our lives

He loves me not
I see us swimming across the lake
The fish behind us; their slippery skin skimming our toes

He loves me
I feel us walking through the daisies
And you stop abruptly to pick one
And place it in my hair

He loves me not
I remember October
You and I

He loves me
I see our meadow
The grass skimming my ankles
The flowers dancing in the breeze
And the trees singing a sweet harmony

He loves me not
I think back to the times we would sit for hours
And not have to talk
Just understand

He loves me
I remember us in our meadow
The meadow I sit in now
I remember all our memories
Like the flood gates have opened in my mind
And I wonder if you still love me

Which is why I sit here alone
In our meadow
Picking petals off the daisies
He loves me
He loves me not
He loves me
He loves me not

But counting these daisies would take forever
And I don't know how long I can wait
Because I need to be loved
I need our meadow
And our lake
And our flowers to remind me
You love me

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