The Laugh | Teen Ink

The Laugh

February 10, 2014
By abbyd888 SILVER, Naples, Florida
abbyd888 SILVER, Naples, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your laugh;
Like a record player

Round and round and round
My head spins
At the way that when you mess up a word
You laugh

Again and again and again
At the way you look in that blue shirt
That matches those eyes
And the ocean too
I could watch the waves all day with you
And watch those eyes watch the waves

The way the salty waves kiss the shore
And come back
Every time.
I’m sure that you could brighten anyone’s day
With that smile
So bright like the stars
I wish on shooting stars as bright as
That smile
That one-day Fate will bring us together

So I can hear that laugh again

So I can watch those eyes watch

So I can see that smile brighten
My heart

Hurts –
So curse fate

And curse that laugh

And curse those eyes

And curse that smile
For it hurts too much
To see those stars slip away
To watch those waves wander off
To hear that record scratch –

Scratch that

I fall –
For Fate’s tortured games
And for

Your smile
And for

Your eyes
And for

Your laugh.

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