For You See, I Am The Storyteller | Teen Ink

For You See, I Am The Storyteller

February 9, 2014
By tem1163 SILVER, New York, New York
tem1163 SILVER, New York, New York
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes there's a third even deeper level that's the same as the top surface one. Like pie.

- Dr. Horrible

Oh the stories I could tell
If I felt the need.
The wind bites my face
As I stagger through the fields
Alone, the field
That sounds
Of nothing
(Nothing you could understand anyway)
The whispers I can hear
That you can only dream of
That you can hardly imagine-
For you see, I am the Storyteller-
Would you do it? For me?

And oh!
The stories,
The words
That if you listen close
You could maybe hear
Watch me struggle
As I try to find the path
For you see,
I have lost my way.
Is it too late
For me to go home?

The stories, oh the stories!
Just imagine-
Try it, for me-
What I could do
And see
And say
Stories that you’ve never heard
That must be told
That should be said
That can’t be heard.

The stories,
I repeat, I can tell you stories
Faster then you’ve ever heard
Tale after tale I weave intricately
Quickly, the worlds I’ve created pile up,
The worlds yes, the stories
That could come spilling out in a haze
If only I could find
The voice

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