Not the Only One | Teen Ink

Not the Only One

February 10, 2014
By Anonymous

If every hand would be joined
Would anyone cry tonight?
Fighting off the nightmares
For one more night?

If every heart would be warm,
Would anyone be alone tonight?
Dreading the long, dark shadows
For one more eve?

If every eye would be opened,
Would anyone be left to die?
Forgotten, abandoned,
And with nowhere left to run?

If every soul would be home,
Would anyone be lost tonight?
Treading through dark waters,
Of fear and uncertainty?

If every child would belong,
Would anyone be on the streets tonight?
Padding down the alleys,
With blood-stained hearts.

If every up would be upside down,
Would anyone be out casted tonight?
Screaming a sound,
No one’s around to hear?

If everyone would be lonely,
Would everyone battle the cold?
Suffering a curse,
No one should have to bear?

You can thin your broken,
Bent beyond repair,
But trust this when I say
You’re not the only one.

Scars may go deep,
But love runs deeper.
You’re not alone,
You’re not the only one.

Even if you are,
Someone’s fighting for air,
Someone near you,
Who thinks they are the only one.

A hand can extend,
To show you’re not alone,
You never, ever are,
You’re not the only one.

The author's comments:
A lot of teenagers deal with insecurity, and like to believe that they are the only ones who know what they are going through, and I like to believe otherwise. They are other people out there who are hurting, and no one's around to save them.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 16 2014 at 5:04 pm
TaliyahD BRONZE, Little Rock, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.<br /> Martin Luther King, Jr.<br /> I&rsquo;m still fly, I&rsquo;m sky high <br /> And I dare anybody to <br /> Try and cut my Wings<br /> <br /> <br /> -Drake

#spokenword :-)