My Girl | Teen Ink

My Girl

January 10, 2014
By lakekid33 SILVER, Hartville, Ohio
lakekid33 SILVER, Hartville, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

I know you have had your struggles, your pain and your fumbles along with your stumbles. You've walked around tile halls and let guys into your heart. And they just ripped it apart. They demolished that beautiful work of art. This broken heartedness is a killer virus with no vaccine. No cure, but when I hold you close I want you to feel secure. I want you to feel as if being in my arms would be picture perfect with no harm. Like those moments could not interrupt the perfection. Not even if the building we're under was collapsing, you'd still feel safe. When we lean up against the blue lockers... It's picture perfect. I can stand there for hours. I feel as if I'm on top of all the towers. I see people staring but I have no worries because I'm concerned in our moment. I hope this poem will show it. I look into your beautiful blues I can see you've been caught in the lows, caught in the blues. You could easily post up a sign on your forehead saying "help" but I see you hide your hurt. You hide yours but I just ever so recently decided to wear my pain on my sleeve for all to see so it could speak to those that are in need. I want your pain to rest on me. I realize a kind of pain that can't be fully described or fully inscribed into a poem to feel the struggle. I found out at an early age that rock can kill even if its not being thrown but even if it's being snorted. That's why my heart has contorted.
You fell for the punks that started to flirt. Guys flirted just to put a smile on your face and never really meant it. They played your heart and bent it. They stole your heart, they stole your kisses, they wrecked your sacred sincere smile. You may think all guys are the same. But I can show you I'm different in many ways than just the name. You let them in on your secrets and your most prized possessions. They took it and they ran with it. Running away from your heart. You tossed up your heart for them to catch and they threw it into the abyss where audible cries are never heard. You opened the walls that concealed your heart. You opened up and showed feelings nobody has ever seen now your emotions are in a strain it seems. I pray that God reveals himself. I pray he will ever so suddenly speak in the moments where you feel down or weak. I don't know what you've been through. It seems as if you're enslaved to the struggles, walking around with chains begging for some things to change. For you I would walk miles because I know you're going through trials. You're a slave. You walk with chains and cuffs. Cuffs labeled heartache and stressed. When I saw you I knew I was suddenly blessed. You may not see it, but I wanna make your mind change. All the guys chased your love. The guys gave chase. You're in the lead if this beauty game is a race. No other girl can compare it's almost unfair. I saw true beauty when I gave you a first look. Beauty so obvious I walked away straight shook. You don't see it and it's almost offensive like a flagrant foul. I know you sometimes want to give up. Throw in the towel. From the moment I looked in your eyes I knew you were the greatest prize. I'd love to be the one to make that smile appear. Make that smile plaster upon your beautiful face. You've lost loved ones now their singing amazing grace. I know you never expected to dress in that morning mourning black attire. I know you never expected them to pass or retire. Tossing flower petals along with tears on their casket of infinite questions and wonder. Now you see them in the newspaper but not in the headlines. You know that type of pain. You also know it pours after the days of rain. But now their bowing to the one true king where peace and happiness will everyday ring. You go through the storms. You've seen pain in all kinds of forms. I know at times you feel as if you're losing but I want to be the one that makes you laugh while we're cruising. I know you feel as if this world has nothing to offer. I know you feel as if the worlds pressure is on your chest. I want you to know you need the best. Every morning you wake up early to put make up on but baby girl you don't need to fix what's not wrong. You're crafted by God's beautiful touch. I'm sure you feel the pressure to look impressive every semester. I want to teach you how to smile again and help take away all the pain. If you want me to I could be the soldier, going to war against the wrong terrorizing your heart. I got your back whether your stressed or on the right track. Just know that my help will never lack. Call me anytime of the night and I'll help you feel right and make that gorgeous smile shine bright because your my girl and should have the world. If you ever feel distant, cold and alone, you know I'll be there to closely hold and make you feel at home. I'd travel all night if you're feeling the worlds fright. If you just turn around you know I'll pick you up when you're down and all you can do is frown. I'll be here waiting, waiting for my name to be called.

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