True Blue | Teen Ink

True Blue

January 13, 2014
By brianaxx13 GOLD, Whitestone, New York
brianaxx13 GOLD, Whitestone, New York
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Tell me I can't, I won't hear you!"
-A'mare Stoudemire (NBA NY Knicks)

In this place there are many crazy things
It gets weirder and weirder throughout all the days
I really don’t understand this, I’m so confused
That’s the feeling you get when you realize that you were used.

Everyone looks for a really true friend
Someone to talk to when they’re feeling down
They will cheer you up whenever
And be loyal to you forever

You may hit many bumps in the road
But I’ve never driven on a smooth path before
Every friendship has its troubles, you know
But this is different, its time to say no

You can’t let someone make you any different
Stay true to yourself and always listen
I know that it’s hard to go against it
But your life will be so much better.

Just face the facts
And admit it.

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