Wrinkled Memories | Teen Ink

Wrinkled Memories

January 16, 2014
By BreezyBee76 SILVER, Muskegon, Michigan
BreezyBee76 SILVER, Muskegon, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Grandma had the most beautifully wrinkled hands
But I don’t remember a day when they wouldn’t

They aged too quickly
The disease stole her but left her skeleton

Skin and bones

Skin and bones
It stole her will to breathe

and our memories

Grandma’s hands used to reach to reach for mine
Hold them tight
say I’m fine
When I scraped my knee
Or hit my head

and thought I was dead
Tear streaming down my cheeks

My hands

reached for her hands
Desperate and in need

of her comfort, her touch
She tried to squeeze
Struggled to breathe

And even apologized to me
How dare she!

Like she did something wrong
How can she apologize?

I feel the tears begin to rise
No, I’m sorry

For you,
For me
I wish I could end your misery
Don’t forget that I love you

Grandma had the most beautifully wrinkled hands
I miss holding them,

Watching them shake,
Kissing them softly,

Skin and bones

Skin and bones
Tell me she’ll wake..

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