Joie de Vivre | Teen Ink

Joie de Vivre

January 16, 2014
By BreezyBee76 SILVER, Muskegon, Michigan
BreezyBee76 SILVER, Muskegon, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s no longer a matter of what I want

(If it was I wouldn’t be here)
No this is not a suicide note
Or my final words
I love living

I’m happy to be alive
Death is a door I’d rather not open

Let me rephrase..
If life went the way I wanted
I wouldn’t be a part
This is no death letter
But rather a list:


Bear with me if you are one of the few who care anymore

I’m tired of going to school
Only to be taught why grass is green
Forced to memorize the endless lists of dead people
I’m sick of my parent’s constant questions;

“No, I’m not mad at you Dad.”

“No, I’m not that miserable Mother!”
“No, I’m not angry at the world.”
In part I’m telling the truth..
I’m not angry at the world
I’m angry with what we’ve made it
I’m angry at what it has become

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