Scars | Teen Ink


January 15, 2014
By _chanel_ BRONZE, Rosenhayn, New Jersey
_chanel_ BRONZE, Rosenhayn, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Daddy told you not to,
But you just knew you were all grown up.
At the age of seven,
Daddy said don’t put you’re in the sink.
You’re too young to do the dishes.
But of course you didn’t listen,
You should have never stuck your hand in that glass.
Now you have me,
Yeah you were crying your eyes out.
It wasn’t worth messing up your hand.
You had everyone one panicking,
Your brothers were crying more then you.
Daddy told you not to,
But you didn’t listen and when they patched me up.
How did that feel,
Yeah I know painful.
Yeah at that time you didn’t know I was here to stay,
And here I am.
Nine years and still very visible.
You can never forget me,
I am your deepest scar.

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