What is This Disease | Teen Ink

What is This Disease

January 11, 2014
By ListenToTheNonsense320 PLATINUM, Hallandale Beach, Florida
ListenToTheNonsense320 PLATINUM, Hallandale Beach, Florida
44 articles 4 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Beatrice Evelyn Hall.
"Stones are raw, they blunt my paw, but words will never hurt me." (The Sight, David Clement-Davies) And many more...

My hands are clammy and my face is flushed. My knees are weak and my perspiration persists. My heart is racing and my eyes are bloodshot. It seems I caught the bug.
I lie in bed in disbelief. I swear I was so careful this time. I look for a remedy, but now it's much too late. It seems I've caught the worst of illnesses. A terminal illness which time doesn't always guarantee a cure.
I cry out in desperation. The pain causes me to tear. I fear for my life and clutch on to my pillow. I can't muster the strength to get out of bed. How much longer do I have?

It seems I've fallen in love.

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