You May Leave | Teen Ink

You May Leave

January 11, 2014
By ListenToTheNonsense320 PLATINUM, Hallandale Beach, Florida
ListenToTheNonsense320 PLATINUM, Hallandale Beach, Florida
44 articles 4 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Beatrice Evelyn Hall.
"Stones are raw, they blunt my paw, but words will never hurt me." (The Sight, David Clement-Davies) And many more...

Lately you've been absent and I wonder,
Thoughts turn to you, I shrug it, "why bother?"
I can't say I've missed you, though I've noticed you gone.
But you're not someone for whose presence I long.
Good riddens, please fade from my existence.
Do you see me suffering or showing resistance?
My feelings for you were fabricated, a moment of weakness,
In a moment when I was lonely, vulnerable, and defenseless.
So here I am, telling you I care not if we speak again.
I'm not the same person, this is now, that was then.

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