Rest Assured | Teen Ink

Rest Assured

December 19, 2013
By ListenToTheNonsense320 PLATINUM, Hallandale Beach, Florida
ListenToTheNonsense320 PLATINUM, Hallandale Beach, Florida
44 articles 4 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Beatrice Evelyn Hall.
"Stones are raw, they blunt my paw, but words will never hurt me." (The Sight, David Clement-Davies) And many more...

I wrote about you tonight, my love.
And the minutes turned to hours,
And my weariness turned to inspiration.
My memories served as reminders,
Of the present and the past.
But I etched you on pen and paper,
So I’ll know you are real.
And there you shall stay,
But worry not.
For not all that I wrote about
Are feelings I still feel.
I promise I’m okay.
Though I miss you so.
I’m actually content with life,
Though you in it would be nice,

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