Lover's Embrace | Teen Ink

Lover's Embrace

December 8, 2013
By slaughterhousejkjk BRONZE, Newton, Kansas
slaughterhousejkjk BRONZE, Newton, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

I look up with hurt
Confusion and desire I have
After he left my bed
To take a breath of fresh air.

What are you making inquired my ex-lover.
Never hesitating in my knot forming motion
Nor daring to gaze into those eyes I adore so
I state simply, almost sing-song like;

I am creating warmth and acceptance
I am designing solace
I am making worship
An embrace.

I am producing belonging
I am constructing want
I am bringing into being love
I am manufacturing need
A lover's embrace.

With the last knot I form
I declare I will have no need of a lover!
For this one
Suits me to the "T".

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