Love Let Go | Teen Ink

Love Let Go

November 25, 2013
By Aurelia_Knight BRONZE, Wabash, Indiana
Aurelia_Knight BRONZE, Wabash, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes people walk in,
And they walk out,
Of our lives.
I like to think you stayed.

When I first saw you
I thought I’d found the one,
The only man I’d ever want
To have hold me.

Even though we’re different,
I’m good at adapting.
Don’t walk away from me;
Don’t leave me again.

Sometimes when I hear that song,
“Greatest”, okay,
I think of you
And my heart soars.

There’s other songs,
“A Thousand Years”, all right,
That stick your picture
In my mind.

My only regret is that
These songs have such hollow meaning.
In reality they are nothing;
Nothing to mark our chance.

I saw you a single time,
And I knew you were the one.
But I left you behind,
And you took my heart away.

I think about you often,
Trying so hard to imagine us together.
Myself entwined in your arms;
Such a beautiful sight.

I want you to be mine.
I realize now that you cannot,
For you are still attached
To that other girl.

If only I’d worked harder,
Maybe I could be spared
All the heartbreak and the sorrow,
And you’d be here to catch my tears.

I didn’t realize what I missed
Until four days were dead and gone.
I didn’t cherish you enough,
And now you’ve gone forever…

The author's comments:
I met someone during Honors Band and I immediately grew infatuated with him. However, since we really only got to interact for about four days, I suppose it was a bit silly, but I got some inspiration out of it anyway.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 30 2013 at 12:32 am
theatregirl PLATINUM, Lathrup Village, Michigan
30 articles 12 photos 209 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To thine own self be true," -from Hamlet, a play by Shakespeare.
"I have sworn on the altar of god eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man." - Thomas Jefferson

Interesting, I like it. I like how it was a bit of fresh take on love poem because a lot of the ones I see are sort like he's so horrible for leaving me, oppose to I miss him. You should try break pity the rhyme scheme a little And maybe add some more explanation of how it felt to be with him,and what it was like to hang out. Maybe try to over all establish a set of events in poem. Like make a definite stanza a both what was like to meet him, and definite stanza about dating him, and definite stanza about how he left. But I really did like it. Keep writing :)