Remember | Teen Ink


November 17, 2013
By red_roses GOLD, Kansas City, Missouri
red_roses GOLD, Kansas City, Missouri
19 articles 0 photos 2 comments

There was a time when we had the pleasure of being oblivious. We didn't know about what was going on behind closed doors. We didn't worry and stress over things... because we didn't have to. There was a time when we saw everyone as good. A time when, if we loved someone, that's all there was to it. When God came first and family came second, and we didn't put ourselves above it all. A time when if we saw someone in need, we tried to help them. We didn't just walk by and act like they weren't there. There was a time when we trusted those around us instead of always glancing over our shoulders. A time when if we loved someone, we told them, without fear of being judged on it. Life was simple and good. And we were free to be ourselves.

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