School Halls | Teen Ink

School Halls

November 14, 2013
By lakekid33 SILVER, Hartville, Ohio
lakekid33 SILVER, Hartville, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

She walks through the school hallways with her head down. Eyes to her feet. As her shoes make the click clack sounds she doesn't make eye contact with others. She doesn't make eye contact because she's blinded by her insecurities and self hatred. She doesn't make eye contact because she thinks everybody would see her broken heart. The school tiles are considered by some to be the hallway of success. But to her... It's the hallway to another judgment filled day. Students stares pierce her face every time she enters the dreaded class room. Her arms folded across her stomach so nobody notices her bones pressing up against her flesh. She's been hungry for weeks but refuses to satisfy her needs because if she eats one more crumb, her peers will increase the painful torture of judgment thrown her way. Her daddy stepped out of her life as if she meant nothing to him. He would rather roll green stems and blow circles in the air than see his baby girl grow. She starves herself just so her little brother can half the last pack of the Ramen noodles in the cabinet. When her tummy grumbles, she goes to her room to overflow the bucket of insecurities and tears. She covers her arms with long sleeves so nobody sees her form of artwork. But instead of using a paint brush, she uses any sharp utensil that can pierce flesh. Her only security is her room. She talks to the walls because walls never judge her. What she does on those late nights nobody will ever understand except those walls. What would those walls say if they could actually speak? Those walls are the only thing that can describe the pain she feels on the daily. On the early school mornings she paints her face with make up to hide her insecurities and impurities. She uses the Cover Girl to cover her tears. She uses the Maybelline to maybe cover her fears. The only thing she contemplates is suicide. She goes through life thinking suicide is her only option. It's because of her peers that make her believe that it's her only choice. She thinks "who would cry? Who would mourn?" Her insecurities are off the charts and there's nothing stopping it. She does realize she was beautifully crafted by the hands of God and made perfect. And now... She's unable to hear those words.

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