The Thoughts that Died | Teen Ink

The Thoughts that Died

November 13, 2013
By abbyd888 SILVER, Naples, Florida
abbyd888 SILVER, Naples, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I thought I knew you so well;
every bit of your iridescent soul,
every hidden corner of the crevices of your carcasses,
every twitch of your bubbly lopsided grin,
every twinkle of your blue windows,
every secret tucked away in the dusty depths,
every word whispered,
every laugh that cascaded,
every song that you bobbed your head to…

when we felt free
when we were alive
but now
we’re dead.

Every light is out in your soul
Every corner is turned
Every grin is straight
Every window is shut
Every secret is dusted off
Every word is shouted
Every laugh is stumbled
Every song is unheard

Dead and alive
Dead and alive

So many thoughts vibrant with life

And now

We’re dead.

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