Michael's Monsters | Teen Ink

Michael's Monsters

November 8, 2013
By MariaMenendez GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
MariaMenendez GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
11 articles 0 photos 4 comments

The room pitch dark.
All I heard was his heart beat,
My head on his chest,
My arm across his body.
His soft breathing stirred me.
I didn't grab him or kiss him,
I simply asked him.
What are you afraid of?
What is it you fear?
I couldn't hear his heart.
I didn't feel his breath.

I'm afraid of monsters.

I nearly chuckled
Monsters don't exist.

They do. They live among us.
We see them every day.
We walk passed them.
We eat our dinners with them,
We lay our heads to rest
While they walk our homes.

I held my breath.
A serious expression of his face;
It crept into my mind

They lie. They cheat.
The steal. They harm.
They smile at us,
Although their smiles are malicious.
They give us gifts and help us
Seeking a greater compensation.
The monsters keep you around
Just to feed from everything you are
Your mind. Your body. Your soul.

So to you a person is a monster?

A person will be a person.
A monster is a monster.

Just like that my perception,
My world and my vision,
It all changed in the blink of an eye.

It was pitch dark and what I saw
Was my entire world convulse
Because in the blink of an eye
Michael's monsters are visible to me.

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