"Athletic Life" | Teen Ink

"Athletic Life"

November 12, 2013
By LucasHittner BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
LucasHittner BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Your opinion of me doesn't define who I am"

Being an athlete is life
Practicing, playing and participating
Sweat and dedication shows my improvements
I am an athlete

Being an athlete is life
Keep my standards set high
And my chin even higher
Never letting my anger get the best of my game
Focused on one thing
“The Win”
I am an athlete

Being an athlete is life
The changes my body is going through
Muscles getting bigger
Pushing myself harder and harder
Day by day
Week by week
Month by month
I am an athlete

Being an athlete is life
It’s a relief to know the day is almost at an end
By then I am tired, and hungry
Eating everything in sight like I haven’t eaten in a month
You might even think my parents don’t feed me
I am an athlete

Being an athlete is life
Resting my head on a pillow is like going to my happy place
Turn my music on and rest my mind
Dreaming one day to be a big leaguer
I am an athlete

Being an athlete is life
Waking up and doing it all over
It’s a rough life
Don’t be too quick to say being an athlete is easy
because it really isn’t
I am an athlete

The author's comments:
Being an athlete is pretty much all my life is.I'm in some type of sport year round.

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