Devoted to What We Do | Teen Ink

Devoted to What We Do

November 12, 2013
By chandler mische BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
chandler mische BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We are athletes
The popular kids in the school
We’re the people kids look up to

We are athletes
We adore attention
The clap, clap, clap of the fans
Puts a smile on our face

We are athletes
Determined to reach our goals
Like hungry lions
Going for a kill

We are athletes
Known for being attractive
With our fit bodies
and good character

We are athletes
We are devoted to what we do
The more challenging things get
the more we start to love the game

We are athletes
Yes we can be stuck up and cocky
But maybe we can also be respectful
And have some intelligence
Chandler Mische

The author's comments:
This is a poem dealing with the stereotypes athletes have to deal with.

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