The Fall | Teen Ink

The Fall

November 4, 2013
By MariahTaylor GOLD, Mena, Arkansas
MariahTaylor GOLD, Mena, Arkansas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you love something, Let it go... If it comes back then it was yours... If it does not...Then it never truly was.

First day of school.
Going class to class
Sitting in the classrooms
Waiting for time to pass.
Then time slows down,
I see your face
Perfect time,
the Perfect place.

Many words spoken,
Lots of smiles and laughs
Realizing time was going by
Way to fast.

With blushing cheeks
and smiling faces
We said our goodbyes
and took our next places

Sitting in class,
Minds still on each other.
Wishing that class
Would have never been over

Never knowing this was the beginning.
Not knowing this could start it all.

The beginning of a new found love...
The beginning of the fall.

The author's comments:
In my ninth grade year, I met a boy in one of my classes. He was really funny and sweet. We had a really big crush on each other. We`ve been together ever since. And now, he graduated and I am a senior and he and I are engaged to each other. And soon to be married <3

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