Just Listen, . | Teen Ink

Just Listen, .

October 21, 2013
By Anonymous

You hear the the verse so sweet in the song so sad? "I cant drown my demons they know how to swim"
Well do they know how to swim?
Yes they replied. Why must I die a little inside to make my mama cry.
"Have you ever took a blade to your wrist?Have you been skipping meals? We are gonna try something new today how does that make you feel?
This seems to be my life in a six mins 37 second song? Can i change.? Hmm probably not. My life is hell and its comfy cause i have settled in.
I strife the knife and with the final slit, I sit and sing along to the end of the song. "Hold me close dont let go watch me burn in this hospital for souls." and finally close my eyes because no matter how messed up you are there's always hell when you come back down.

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