Blind Secrets | Teen Ink

Blind Secrets

October 30, 2013
By waywardwriter SILVER, Brunswick, Ohio
waywardwriter SILVER, Brunswick, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A boy and two girls
Twins and their brother
Three lives are changed
Altered forever

The boy's life is lost
A game gone wrong
A dark side revealed
Hidden by the blood

For two young women
Almost all is lost
Smiles fade to frowns
Laughter to tears

One girl is lost
No trace is found
A secret above ground
But still in the rough

The last is burdened
Left with secrets to find
Then secrets to hide
Is there an end

Her sight no good
The color is gone
Now all she sees
is black white and blood

The author's comments:
This poem is a sort of an introductory poem to a set of poems I have been working on. They are all based off the same story that I developed. There is no particular order yet, but I have some good feelings on this side project.

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