This Ain't A Sappy Poem | Teen Ink

This Ain't A Sappy Poem

October 13, 2013
By Darkblade_County SILVER, Ft. Huachuca, Arizona
Darkblade_County SILVER, Ft. Huachuca, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest smile the brightest, and the most damaged are the wisest all because they do not wish to see others suffer as they do."

This ain't a sappy poem,
where I make my heart confess,
this ain't a place where,
words gush with a lovely mess.

I won't go on about,
how cute your hair looks,
oh no, I won't write out,
how your blonde hair is a house,
for all the sunshine,
of everyday,
your blonde hair it will stay.

This ain't a sappy poem,
where I move "I" and "U",
this ain't a place where,
I talk about you.

I won't say anything,
about your kindness or compassion,
I'll keep my lips zipped,
bout your smartness and your funniness.

How you make me smile,
even on the worst days,
how you make me laugh,
when sadness creeps my way.
How every word you speak,
captures my interest.

This ain't a sappy poem,
where my feelings are compressed,
this ain't a spiel about,
my hearts many tests.

I won't write about,
your dazzling blue eyes,
I won't talk about,
how good they look to mine.
I won't tell about,
how they're like the sea,
or a never ending story,
that only I can read.

This ain't a sappy poem,
where I come to confess,
what I feel inside,
hey, that's my mess.

I won't write about,
how you're really tall,
or how I,
feel really small.
I won't mention,
how I look up to you,
you will never see,
yourself like I do.

This ain't a sappy poem,
where I tell you,
"You are perfect",
this ain't a place where I say,
"I like you, gosh darn it".

I won't go on about,
how you make me feel,
or how I'm going to be,
when I move away for real.

This ain't a sappy poem,
where I cry lovesick tears,
or where I mention,
I'll never forget the feel.

When I see you eery morning,
my face turns bright red,
I look away and shudder,
I won't write that in pen.

This ain't a sappy poem,
where I practice to confess,
it's just a place where silence,
has paid to come and rest.

I won't tell how,
you make my heart beat fast,
it pounds in my chest.
I won't mention how,
when I look at you,
I lose all thoughts and feelings,
it's all just you.

This ain't a sappy poem,
where love has its feat,
this is a place where words,
can find they're beat.

I won't write about,
how nervous you make me feel,
or how less lonely,
I am where here for real.
I won't say how,
it's not love I feel,
you're my best friend,
so silent? I will.

This ain't a sappy poem,
no not anymore,
I have a few verses,
left to write and more.

I won't talk about,
how you make me feel,
I won't tell you that,
you're in my dreams,
so well,
I hope you see me,
the way I do for you,
I hope you remember me,
because forget I couldn't do.

This is a sappy poem,
where I tell how I feel,
where I write to you how,
you're such a big deal.
I will say this,
for when I move,
I'll never ever,
forget you.

Your special blonde,
your dazzling blue,
how tall you are,
and smart too.
How you're funny,
and full of pride,
you are you're a loser,
but you're not in my eyes.

This is a sappy poem,
where I came to confess,
how you make me feel,
even when I'm not my best.
Thank you.

The author's comments:
This poem was inspired by my secret crush. I hope that those who read this will know that even when those we care for don't know how much we care for them, at least we know that we have a way to confess even when we're not ready yet.

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