Sometimes Its the Demons that Win | Teen Ink

Sometimes Its the Demons that Win

October 13, 2013
By megz71 SILVER, St. Marys, Pennsylvania
megz71 SILVER, St. Marys, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Those who have achieved success have lived well, loved often, and laughed much."

Sometimes at night I sit all alone
Embracing the inky sky like an old friend
Letting the darkness creep over me
This is when the demons appear.

They feed on the fear of the innocent
Touching the skin with a sinister caress
Whispering temptations in my ear
Asking to enter my heart

I fight them with all that I have
I start to find it hard to breathe.
Their cruel hands are around my neck
Choking me with a grip of death

I sit there gasping, begging for air
Yet the dark knows no mercy
I begin to fear that the oxygen will fade
I fear I shall die at their hands

Just as the blackness begins to appear
I give into the pressure
They hiss in enjoyment
Another victim claimed

I sit in the darkness
Betrayed by a friend
This is when I realized
Sometimes it's the demons that win

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