Moving Forward | Teen Ink

Moving Forward

October 7, 2013
By Jazzy_lover PLATINUM, Kirkland, Washington
Jazzy_lover PLATINUM, Kirkland, Washington
42 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The most important parties to attend are the ones you're not invited to." -Blair Waldorf, Gossip Girl

It's times like these.
That makes moving forward
Making the whole world around you stand still.
In that moment, when nothing looks bright
All that's good fades into the world
Making you into it
Molding you back into society
The real world
All you can do is peel all that bad
Fold it up and throw it away.
And pray that the wound doesn't
And if it does, we do the same as before peel it off
and keep moving on
Even if we are at a stand still....

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