I am... | Teen Ink

I am...

October 1, 2013
By Carmen P BRONZE, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Carmen P BRONZE, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a quiet, introspective girl patiently waiting for fall
I wonder when the first leaf will lightly flutter down to the soft green grass
I hear the leaves gently whispering stories of their past in my ear
I see the palette of oranges, reds, and yellows painted in the sky, each brushstroke different and unique
I want to stay in this season of happiness for eternity
I am a quiet, introspective girl patiently waiting for fall

I pretend I’m a little kid again, jumping into brightly colored piles of leaves and drinking hot apple cider in mugs
I feel the rush of memories from years past flood over me like a wave crashing onto the shore
I touch Nature’s clock, trying to slow it down
I worry that the sound of laughter and the children playing will all be swept away by winter
I cry when the cold sets in and the trees are bare, reminding me fall is coming to an end once again
I am a quiet, introspective girl patiently waiting for fall

I understand that fall comes and goes quickly like the sun and we must learn to love it while it lasts
I say fall is a time to make your dreams into reality
I dream of chilly Sunday afternoon football games and carving faces onto handpicked pumpkins with the family
I try to remember back to the first days of fall when we all sat around the warm crackling fire and shared jokes
I hope that fall will return as fast as it slipped out of our grasp
I am a quiet, introspective girl patiently waiting for fall

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece by what was around me. I live in a small town with lots of trees where you can see each season turning into the next as nature tells us it's story.

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