Ballerina | Teen Ink


September 30, 2013
By bookwormK BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
bookwormK BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I had always wish to be a ballerina
To jump and fly like they do
To be beautiful and graceful
Their swan like movements
Moved me
And their poise
And persion
Led me to believe
That being that girl
The magical beautiful
Graceful swan
Is who I wanted to be
So my parents signed me up
For classes
At four and I was ready
Always in my slippers
Ready to be beautiful
And swan like
My instructor was beautiful
And graceful
And I vowed to be like her
My class was large
Girls in tutus and pink fluff
And one little boy
Who's parents were trying to tame
I was in my place
Ready to start as a ballerina
Years past from being on the bar
To moving to the stage
Till I had to many sisters
And so little time for classes
We stopped when I was seven or eight
And started gymnastics
Not as gracifal or precise as
Ballerinas were but it took up the time
From bats to the gym
And so on till on summer it all
Became to much
And we stopped gymnastics
I grow six inches taller
And stuck with softball
Till one day
It came back
Ballet was back in my life
With one simple audition
And a woman named Jeanna
I was back
To my love
My passion
And my dream
Clara my older sister became
A Governors school student
And they had dance
I thought if I could make
ARMES the after school dance program I
Was with then
I could make it in anywhere
Walking in
I saw real ballerinas
Some my age
Most older
But for the first time
I excepted defeat before it even came
The auction was harsh and I tried my best
But I knew and they all knew
I should have stayed home that morning
So come April three months after
My life long embarrassment
Came the letter
My father had opened it and gave new look
Saying "sorry honey maybe next year"
Running to my room I excepted rejections
I cried and hoped for the best for the girls there
After I continued after school dance my last year
I had made it to the top too
Then it happened
The first attack
Then I missed one class
Then the next
Which I knew wasn't that great either
Trying my best to get by
With my barely splits
Since it had been three years of summes sleeping
And swimming and no ballet till fall
So I tried
Then I missed a month
Something was wrong
Something is still wrong
But my bones had caught up to me
Feeling the pain of a quick growth
Finally I saw it
Ballet wasn't my dream
Or could never be
I can enjoy it from afar but
I know
In my heart
I'll always be a ballerina.

The author's comments:
So when I was younger I loved dance; I still do now and it was just a huge dream but since I quit I just wanted to put down some of my memories of it.

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