Rancid Left-Overs | Teen Ink

Rancid Left-Overs

September 30, 2013
By hogane643 GOLD, Schoharie, New York
hogane643 GOLD, Schoharie, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Under fiery skies,
Spewing burnt cobalt,
To bring down Black Raven
Or leave scattered lambs like sand,
With no shepherd left
To tend his flock.

War's jigsaw still missing pieces
Lies unfinished,
Upon round table
Circled by dogs
Snarling, howling, whining all the while
Fetching fame
From our undesired scraps.

The author's comments:
This is based on the civil war in Syria and how the United States government responded to Obama's declare of military action.

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