The closest feeling to whole. | Teen Ink

The closest feeling to whole.

September 27, 2013
By DreamxOfxMe BRONZE, Fraziers Bottom, West Virginia
DreamxOfxMe BRONZE, Fraziers Bottom, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you love something let it go, if it comes back it was always yours, if id doesnt it never was."

Actually, there's more to the hurt than you think.
You don't know the pain inside me.
It washes over me and wisps me away,
Like Im a weightless paper in the wind.
I could hide the pain long enough to make you happy.
Because your happiness matters more to me than my own.
If I could tell you one thing,
It would be the black hole you've carved into my chest.
The closest feeling to whole.
Pain comes in waves,
It washed over you like a downpour.
Except, you have no shelter.
You can't hide from this,
You can't excape this.
It creeps up on you and takes over your whole body.
The more you try to escape,
The worse it becomes.
Sometimes you win.
Sometimes you wrap your hands around a light,
And with all your strength,
You pull yourself from the douse.
And sometimes,
The pain accumulates into a giant cloud,
Envelping you into the mass.
It covers you,
Leaving no room for hope.
Then you're stuck.
The closest feeling to whole,
Is knowing the pain is real.
And that gives you the feeling of existance.

The author's comments:
I pour everything into my work. Sometimes I hide all of my emotions until there is a blank sheet in front of me. & this just spills out from me.

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