I Am Free | Teen Ink

I Am Free

July 25, 2013
By WriteMyWonder BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
WriteMyWonder BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve seen you for who you are.
So much will to come so far.
To see it ripping before my eyes,
The dust, the dirt, and all your lies.
They say hold on once you know it’s real.
Well I thought, I did, I had to feel.
You make a meal of me, I sit alone.
And sit back and watch the things I condone.
Three words that cut me on the wrists,
A pretty red picture among the slits.
You pushed me to the edge I’m about to fall,
My name in a voice like knives you call.
Take a deep breath and a smile escapes.
One with teeth and crooked in shape.
I close my eyes and yell “Let me be!”
And I tumble over the edge for I am free.

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