Perfection Lost | Teen Ink

Perfection Lost

July 20, 2013
By Anonymous

You were perfect


baggy clothes

shadows under your eyes

hair that fell in your face

every time you looked down

I loved you

I knew you

better than anyone

better than myself

I used to see your face

when I fell asleep

I thought

that I had found you

and every morning I would wake up in tears

because you were gone


That night you said

if she stopped loving you

you would die

and your eyes screamed that you were alone

and I was scared because I didn’t know

anything at all


don’t leave me

why do you even care?

I love you

I love you

I love you

but I didn’t say that

did I?

We never said goodbye

I didn’t understand then

what that scar was for

but I do now

and I can’t tell you

where are you?

where have you been?

because I’ve been looking

in every town and every


I need you to know

what I should have said

years ago

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