Sprout | Teen Ink


July 18, 2013
By WriteMyWonder BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
WriteMyWonder BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A flower starts off young and small,
Forbidden and unknown.
A silent, kindred spirit,
Deep down in the ground.
Spends a while to grow up,
Patient as it goes.
Sprung up before you knew,
Without the slightest sound.
It seems like it’s been a moment,
Good things do pass by fast,
It’s not what you imagined,
It’s better than you thought it’d be.
It wants to take its own path,
You no longer have control,
You learn to give away the key,
And set what you love… Free.
Fluorescent colors begin to burst,
Roots tear themselves from underneath.
Your little flower’s a skyscraper,
As its shell begins to peel.
Tiny things can make a big change,
Never set the bar to low,
Because as you expect and assume,
The unseen becomes real.
Cherish every second,
Things just might slip away,
Surrounded and eaten whole,
Swallowed by weeds.
When something’s broken and impossible to fix,
Don’t hurt, or cry, or scream.
Out of good comes something better,
And out sprouts a new seed.

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