Let Loose | Teen Ink

Let Loose

July 4, 2013
By LittleChild SILVER, San Bernardino, California
LittleChild SILVER, San Bernardino, California
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players"
- Jaques, As You Like It Act II, scene VII

My lips have been loosened, so let the storms rage.
My jail has been shaken, the door open on my cage.
My tools of the trade all laid out on a table,
A smile on my lips, I am ready, I am able.
My job, long forsaken as a kind of fool's errand,
Has rekindled the flame in my heart, mind, and soul, and
I take the steps on an old and worn path -
These are the early warnings of my coming wrath.
Fear not, oh dear friend, my wrath isn't for you,
But for myself and my past. I suggest you let me through.
For the only people I will hurt on this day...

Are myself and whoever will stand in my way.

The author's comments:
Sometimes life is a dirty job, sometimes we are our own executioner.

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