Unknown | Teen Ink


June 9, 2013
By Angel-freed PLATINUM, Dallas City, Illinois
Angel-freed PLATINUM, Dallas City, Illinois
20 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love is our true meaning, so show it. Don't be sad because its over, be happy because it happened. -Dr. Seuss; "Pooh will we be friends forever?" asked Piglet, "Even longer." Pooh replied. -Winnie the Pooh

Momma help me its closing in, momma save me I wanna give in, momma turn on the nightlight but no beam will cover up this dark
check my closet and under my bed,
but this monsters in my head and my heart, momma don't leave me, please not tonight,
why did you have to go and take away my light but don't you worry I'm not alone,
he's covered in black and is calling my name,
he leans over me and I look into his eyes and see a glisten of sorrow maybe for me, I do not fight or put up a struggle I gladly take his hand and he leads me to another land, don't you cry and don't you weep, this is me,
this is where I belong deep down and under your feet, see mommy we all must go and be consumed by the unknown.

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