Slipping | Teen Ink


June 26, 2013
By Anonymous

lights outside my window
blinking fast and bright,
Red and orange,
then gone
remnants of light
scar an empty night
then reappear
and barrel through my eye

(they frighten me,
they must be real,)

lights, inviting and familiar,
a great invitation,
beckoning in assured blinks

(cause I'm tied too tight
to slip.)

lights, sanguine and hazy,
telling me answers,
to which I happily agree

(I know this
and yet I fear)

lights, unclear and earnest,
claiming they can bring
worry and pain to the grave

(in morning
I'll be gone,)

lights, sharp and jarring,
drilling and dipping
deep into my brain

(dragged off
to somewhere strange)

lights, voluminous and consuming,
pulsing down my spine,
I fill with colorful air

(by a tempting,
bright light)

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