Walls | Teen Ink


May 19, 2013
By Anonymous

Sometimes it seems as if the world is fighting an undying war with you in the middle, a thin veil, torn, with holes scattered haphazardly, with no care for order or reason. Swords and spears creating ever more imperfections in your once perfect cloth. It's a wonder you just dont collapse, the weight of the world resting on your shoulders like thousand pound weights. yet there is hope, a pinprick of light in a storm, the eye of a hurricane, you know it to pass in an instant, covered by more of the unceasing stormclouds. But it grows ever bigger, turning from a hope into a salvation, sweet, sweet freedom. It is turning your ragged veil into an inpenetrable wall of unbreakable stone, strong against the years of war and turmoil,ushering in a new age of peace and serenity, to last until the end of days, a utopia to last forever. All because of that glimmer of light, the hope of this future perfection, and because of you, and your wall of stone. There is peace.

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