Reality Check | Teen Ink

Reality Check

May 29, 2013
By Anonomaly BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
Anonomaly BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The mystery of your own imagination can be far more enthralling than reality, truly."
-Cryaotic (chaoticmonki)


I reach out to touch your shoulder.
Calm down.
I need to reassure myself.

I need to reassure myself,
that this isn't some cruel joke.
Some distorted reality,
or twisted lie.
That this is a wonderful reality.
My wonderful reality.

I need to believe that you are real.
Not some figment of my imagination.
Not some shadowy figure,
who I can't trust.
Not again.

I need to remind myself.
Remind myself of who I am, who I was,
and who I will never be again.
I can't go back.
I can't.


The author's comments:
For my dear friend who has been through the good and the bad, and still managed to pull through. Forever and always.

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