Perfection | Teen Ink


May 22, 2013
By SempiternalBliss BRONZE, Lexington, Massachusetts
SempiternalBliss BRONZE, Lexington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Tears are words the heart can't express.

My whole life I have tried to find my place,
But I was just an outcast, having to hide my face.
For the past 15 years I have been stuck in this awful town,
All I ever wanted was to escape and never be found.

This place has gotten old,
While the nights have become cold.
As I shiver, I toss and turn,
And my parents begin to look at me with concern.

They try to understand me, they truly do,
But these were feelings that only I knew.
My intentions were not to run away,
But my heart was telling me not to stay.

I could feel the heavy pains in my chest everyday,
Caused by all the made up rumors that people would say.
Receiving constant blows to my confidence,
I was forced away into a caged fence.

I feel as though I am a walking travesty,
And I do not know what I am supposed to be.
Always searching for acceptance,
Nothing ever makes any sense.

This society we have built from nothing,
Is surely not fit for a king.
So much is wrong with the way people think,
We are all responsible for our own ships that sink.

It is so easy to blame other people,
But their plates are already quite full.
We have to take the time to stop and smell the roses,
Instead of wasting time making poses.

Silence is our enemy,
What will it take, for all of you to see?
We have to drown our fears,
Remain strong as we wipe each others tears.

This has never been an easy battle,
But if we did not fight for what we believed in,
This world would be dull.
You don’t know me, you do not know what I have been through,
Yet you judge me anyways, for all the things that I do.

This world is flipped upside down,
The wrong people have possession of the crown.
There are shadows of the past, things you will regret,
But there are some things that you just can not forget.

People will try to drag you to their level,
You have to learn to resist the pull.
Beneath, we are all beautiful,
Yet the insults we take to heart create a hole.

Finding someone to love is not as easy as A, B, C,
And ignoring peoples words are harder than 1, 2, 3.
One way or another,
Things won’t always be the way they were.

The scars will remain,
Memories stuck in your brain.
Our days are numbered,
So do not waste it believing things that you have heard.

Sweet perfection,
Always on the run.
The human population chasing after it,
Slowly losing their sanity, bit by bit.

The author's comments:
My thoughts on society and how it has an impact on the way people live their lives- always searching for this unobtainable idea of perfection.

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