Regret | Teen Ink


May 17, 2013
By Anonymous

“Did I make the right choice?”
I think
Where would I be if I hadn’t stuck myself in the studio at the age of five…
Would I feel like I reached my potential
Rather than missed it

I feel scared just thinking
Have I made the right choice
Should I have chosen another path
Another direction
For my life

There would be far less pain
Less soreness
I wouldn’t feel like I was shot in the calves half the time
Or run over by a steamroller
It probably wouldn’t hurt to walk around school
And up the math stairs

I wouldn’t walk turned out
Like a duck

There would be less heartache
When I think about the possibility of not being able to pursue my dream
My heart literally aches
I feel heartbroken
I feel like a part of me will fall away the day that happens

There would be less tears
Less hot
Angry tears
A result of frustration
From the realization that I will never be perfect

There would be
Less Ambition
Less Spirit
Less Spark
Less Fire

I wonder what would have happened if I instead walked into a gym instead of a ballet studio
Thrown my heart and sole into a sport
Instead of a mere art form
I could have had my college paid for with a scholarship
I wouldn’t have to be mercilessly ripped away from what I love

But I would be ordinary
Every girl is a soccer player
A volleyball player
A cheerleader

I wonder if I would have the same passion for a sport that I have for the art of ballet
I don’t know

I’ve never had the heart to find out

When I truly think about it
I feel no regret

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