More than a Soundtrack of Our Lives | Teen Ink

More than a Soundtrack of Our Lives

May 7, 2013
By Dolores Garza BRONZE, Brackettville, Texas
Dolores Garza BRONZE, Brackettville, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Music is more than a soundtrack of our lives
It has changed our world for people to understand
It expresses who we are and who we want to become
It lives the love we once had or the love we have dreamed of
The life of a person in grief, the life of a person who is gone
The meaning is set to be sent into our souls
For the choice of words mean everything and more
It is as if it’s the love that was fought for as in Romeo and Juliet
Music is love but it is hate
It is hate because everything about it is true when we don’t want it to be
Music brings friends and families together for special occasions
It is passed on from generation to generation through their blood as a talent
It is a piece of art that is worth what no one can buy
It gives people something to do on their own time or as a career
Music is around you no matter what
There is no stopping it
But we all need music to connect to
Otherwise life would not exist

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