Why can we not appreciate? | Teen Ink

Why can we not appreciate?

April 30, 2013
By Rachel Prescott BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
Rachel Prescott BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why do we judge
Why to hate
Why can we not just appreciate
All that we truly have
Power seems to be the greatest prize
When we should be in praise that we are alive
Does one not see
What judgmental thoughts and hatred is doing to thee
If we would just put down the gun
And look at our fallen sons
We would see that we say we practice peace
And our country is free
But really all we have is animosity
I dream of a day where we will not ignore
The helpless souls
The hurting people knocking at our doors
Stop turning away and face the day
Give someone a hug and show your love
Because this is true
We have today, but tomorrow we don't know
Don't learn the lesson of making the most of each day
Come to you the the hard way

The author's comments:
This is a proem I wrote for my creative writing class, it's just about judgement and hate in our world today.

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