Me and the Mystery | Teen Ink

Me and the Mystery

May 2, 2013
By PrincessCapri BRONZE, West Helena, Arkansas
PrincessCapri BRONZE, West Helena, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You never know if you can do something if you don't try!

No mother or father but I stayed focused, Grandma cooking and cleaning to relieve the stress and didn't notice, trouble crept in and even in a state of fear I stayed focused. Daydreaming about the many cars, money, clothes, and houses knowing one day I will have it. Brother in jail so no man to teach me the ropes, I pick up a book I stayed focused. Grade after grade no big deal to me, I passed so what it's not a mystery. I'm smart, pretty, and very nice. I stayed focused no matter the advice. Looking at senior shirts, wow just one more year, grandma smiles with aching bones saying "oh dear, oh dear". I clean, I cook, I stop to smile I know I've made it through all the trials. Almost given up on life but it hasn't given up on me. I stayed focused now that's a Mystery!

The author's comments:
Life and the opportunities it provides inspired me. I learned that my background does not determine the opportunities I can achieve.

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