You Tell Me. | Teen Ink

You Tell Me.

April 30, 2013
By emkel BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
emkel BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

How Does one knOw if he's woman or man?
Is shE told at birth, or written in the Stars?
How does one know If she's slave or free?
Is he Told at birth, or written in the stars?
How does one know if he Matters to someone?
Is she told At birth, or written in the stars?
Is he Told at birth, or written in the stars?
How does one know if he's lover or fighTer?
Is shE told at birth, or written in the stars?
How does one know who she is to love?
Is he told at birth, or written in the staRs?
Is she told at birth, or written in the stars?
How does one kNOw how his life should be?
Is she told at birth, or written in the stars?

You tell me.

The author's comments:
The title given is only temporary. You are meant to find the true title.

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