Finding your way | Teen Ink

Finding your way

April 17, 2013
By FeatherNae GOLD, Dyersburg, Tennessee
FeatherNae GOLD, Dyersburg, Tennessee
16 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Walking around wondering who I can trust, so much has been broken feeling me with lust, people tell me that they're my friend, but they'll only tear me down in the end, I live with people who treat me like crap, while waiting for the day I can go home at last, I hear people say "I know how you feel" but how do we know what we feel is real? looking at the clock as I see the time, fifteen til it hits nine, for the sad it goes by slow, happy it goes fast, most people don't care, they want to go back to the past, some wonder what it would be like, if they could go back and change one thing in their life, they don't understand that evenyone makes mistakes, it only matters if you find your way.

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